Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Gerund and To Infinitive

1. Manda dream about becoming a model.
2. It began raining.
3. I avoid speakig to her since 3 years ago.
4. They start going to school.
5. We planned on having our first anniversary in Spain.
6. I enjoyed spending a day in mall during weekend.
7. Andy finally completed writin his exercise.
8. We stop laughing when our teacher angry.
9. I don't care about cleaning my room.
10. He really like playing games on game master.

1. I want to meet him in the concert.
2. He hope to see me again tommorow.
3. Doni promished to go with his sister.
4. Ludi met his old friend yesterday and he promished to call him.
5. I remembered to open the door for my mom.
6. She tried to believe on him.
7. I'm glad he has agreed to meet next month.
8. I dream to become an engineer.
9. We start to go to school.
10. I don't want to clean my room.

Explanation of Black Holes

Black Holes

Black holes are objects so dense, and with so much mass, that even light cannot escape their gravity.
The existence of black holes has been theorised for more than 200 years. It is impossible to observe them directly, and astronomers had no way to test their theories until Hubble arrived.
The high resolution of Hubble made it possible to see the effects of the gravitational attraction of some of these objects on their surroundings. Hubble has also proved that super massive black holes are most likely present at the centres of most, if not all, large galaxies. This has important implications for the theories of galaxy formation and evolution.
Black holes exist in different sizes. Stellar black holes, which are around the mass of our Sun, form when very large stars explode as supernovae at the end of their lives. The star's core collapses as the outer layers are blown away, leaving a small but extremely dense ball.
Supermassive black holes, many millions of times the mass of our Sun, are of more mysterious origin, and are found at the centre of galaxies. It is in the study of super massive black holes that Hubble has made its biggest contribution.

Black holes and the quasar connection

Quasar PG 0052+251
Quasar PG 0052+251 and its host galaxy.
Before Hubble, quasars were considered to be isolated star-like objects of a mysterious nature. Hubble has observed several quasars and found that they all reside at galactic centres. Today most scientists believe that super massive black holes at the galactic centres are the "engines" that power the quasars.
Prior to the launch of Hubble a handful of black hole candidates had been studied but the limitations of ground based astronomy were such that irrefutable evidence for their existence could not be obtained. Black holes themselves, by definition, cannot be observed, since no light can escape from them.
However, astronomers can study the effects of black holes on their surroundings. These include powerful jets of electrons that travel huge distances, many thousands of light years from the centres of the galaxies.
M87 image
A stream of electrons ejected from the centre of galaxy M 87.
Matter falling towards a black hole can also be seen emitting bright light and if the speed of this falling matter can be measured, it is possible to determine the mass of the black hole itself. This is not an easy task and it requires the extraordinary capabilities of Hubble to carry out these sophisticated measurements.
Quasar PG 0052+251
The disk around the black hole at the centre of galaxy NGC 7052.
Hubble observations have been fundamental in the study of the jets and discs of matter around a number of black holes. Accurate measurements of the masses have been possible for the first time. Hubble has found black holes 3 billion times as massive as our Sun at the centre of some galaxies. While this might have been expected, Hubble has surprised everyone by providing strong evidence that black holes exist at the centres of all large galaxies.
Furthermore, it appears that larger galaxies are the hosts of larger black holes. There must be some mechanism that links the formation of the galaxy to that of its black hole and vice versa. This has profound implications for theories of galaxy formation and evolution and is an ongoing area of research in astronomy.
One big question which remains is why most galaxies in our cosmic neighbourhood, including the Milky Way, appear to have a dormant black hole which is not funnelling in large amounts of matter at present.

A unifying model

Today most astronomers believe that quasars, radio galaxies and the centres of so-called active galaxies just are different views of more or less the same phenomenon: a black hole with energetic jets beaming out from two sides. When the beam is directed towards us we see the bright lighthouse of a quasar. When the orientation of the system is different we observe it as an active galaxy or a radio galaxy. This ‘unified model’ has gained considerable support through a number of Hubble observational programs. The simplistic early ideas have however been replaced by a more complex view of this phenomenon – a view that will continue to evolve in the years to come.

Source:  http://spacetelescope.org/science/black_holes/

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

My Holiday

My Holiday

The time that I really really waiting for was coming, my holiday after I got the score result. My holiday was so-so but I really enjoy the time. I just went hang out with friends to celebrate my friend's birthday. We were going to emjoy the movie at the cinema and have a quality time in the cafe. We talk a lot about our own life experiences.

My other activity was I went to my family gathering. That's the monthly activity in my family. I really enjoy the time to chat with a lot of people, specially for my couisins.

On the other day, I just enjoy the real free time at home. When a week after I remember that I have a task from school which is doing monochromatic and polichromatic color. That was really spend my time. I'm doing the task for about 6 days at my house.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

My Speech

Hello everyone, my name is Selma Khairunnisa from class science 3. Here I want to introduce my self as the candidate to be the leader of student organisation.

If I've choosen as the leader, I will make a lot of positive change to this school. For example I will maximize the using of locker to keep our things so we can minimize the lost things. Like we have ever heard that so many people lost their handphone, laptop, money, and etc.

Another change is I will make this school more clear, health, and green than before. I will make a rules that every class have their own little doctor, shift for someone who want to clean the class. Also I will make Monday as a clean day, so all of the scool member have to join clear the school after the stidy time is already enough.

The last of my chance, that I will make a super mega bazzar for this school. I want people see our school as a cool school not only Hard studying school. I'm gonna tell for more details later.

So everyone, I know that I'm not a perfect person but I'll make this school perfect. That's my promise to you all, so choose me. The one and only one, Selma Khairunnisa. Thank you.

Things that makes me happy

I have a lot of things to make me happy, here are the list:

1. I'll be happy if I get 9 on math.
    I would be happy if I got 9 on math.
    I'd have been happy if I got have 9 on math.

2. I'll be happy if I go to Paris.
    I would be happy if I went to Paris.
    I'd have been happy if I had gone to Paris.

3. I'll be happy if I have a big score at school.
    I would be happy if I had a big score at school.
    I'd have been happy if I had had a big score at school.

4. I'll be happy if I have a lot of money.
    I would be happy if I had a lot of money.
    I'd have been happy if I had had a lot of money.

5. I'll be happy if I make my parents proud of me.
    I would be happy if I made my parents proud of me.
    I'd have been happy if I had made my parents proud of me.

6. I'll be happy if I go to the mall.
    I would be happy if I went to the mall.
    I'd have been happy if I had gone to the mall.

7. I'll be happy if I go to Mecca with my family.
    I would be happy if I went to Mecca with my family.
    I'd have been happy if I had gone to Mecca with my family.

8. I'll be happy if I eat delicious food.
    I would be happy if I ate delicious food.
    I'd have been happy if I had eaten delicious food.

9. I'll be happy if I can lay on bed all day long.
    I would be happy if I can lay on bed all day long.
    I'd have been happy if I had can lay on bed all day long.

10. I'll be happy if I become a success person.
      I would be happy if I become a success person.
      I'd have been happy if I had became a success person.

billion dollars

If I have a billion US dollar, I will do a lot of things. Here are the list:
  1. I will buy a car
  2. I will go to mecca with my parents
  3. I will buy my dream house
  4. I will open my own restaurant which is the bi investation
  5. I will buy iphone 5 and a lot of the case of the phone
  6. I will buy the best and newest gadget for my father
  7. I will buy jewelery and clothes for my mother
  8. I will travel around the world which is France, Nederland, USA, England, Australia, Singapore, North Korea, Japan, etc.
  9. I will give to the poor everyday
10. I will hang out and shopping with my beloved friends